Cubs News

Cubs’ Justin Steele taking it all in stride as he begins the next chapter of his life — fatherhood

3 years agoAndy Martinez

After last Monday’s start in Milwaukee, Justin Steele drove back to Chicago to be with his fiancé, Libby Murphy.

Murphy was pregnant and due at any time and she had told Steele she was cramping and not feeling 100%. Steele wanted to make sure he was with her when the baby was born and with the team headed to Los Angeles, he decided to stay back.

“I don’t wanna be across the country and then her go into labor or something and then when I’m flying over, miss the whole thing or something,” Steele said.

So, he stayed in Chicago and awaited the birth of their son. On Sunday, the pair went to the hospital to induce birth — they had previously decided that if the baby wasn’t born by July 10, they would do that.

The pair packed for the birth of their first child, went to the hospital and as Murphy slept on Sunday night, Steele passed the time playing Rocket League and MLB The Show on his PlayStation.

At 9:34 a.m. on Monday morning, baby Steele was born…which also happened to be his dad’s 27th birthday.

“It was crazy,” a smiling Steele said Tuesday afternoon. “It was the greatest day of my life. Best birthday present I could ever have. It was just amazing and beautiful baby.”

Murphy and Steele have yet to decide on a name, with Beau and Walker possibilities amongst a list of names. Could the baby be named after a Cub teammate?

“It’s actually funny, I texted Keegan [Thompson] before his [last] start, I was like if little man decides to come today and you pitch well, we’ll name him Keegan,” Steele said with a laugh.

Just a few hours after the baby was born, though, reality hit Steele. He had a bullpen scheduled for 2 p.m. at Wrigley Field. So, after Murphy and baby Steele were situated in their new room, Steele drove to Wrigley Field, threw a bullpen and then drove back to the hospital to be with his new family.

He’ll start for the Cubs Wednesday at Wrigley Field against the Orioles as he begins this next chapter of his life as a dad and major league pitcher.

“He’s super pumped. [I] called him ‘dad’ when I first saw him,” David Ross said with a smile. “At the end of the day, this is a job.

“I remember I was in Atlanta and we went home for an off day in Tallahassee and my wife went into labor on the off day. I called Bobby Cox and let him know, and he’s like, ‘alright, congratulations, see you tomorrow.’”

Steele said he would head back to the hospital Tuesday after their game against the Orioles, then go back home to sleep in his own bed before Wednesday’s start. After that outing, he’ll be off through the All-Star break, meaning he’ll have plenty of time to spend with his young family.

“So, after tomorrow that gives me a lot of time just to decompress with everything that’s kinda been going on and spend a lot of time with Libby and the baby,” he said. “I feel like it’s been pretty fun so far. I’ve really enjoyed it, really enjoyed spending time with him, holding him, just talking to him, feeding him. Just nothing like anything else.”

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